Foreign students of KIU visited the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan

On October 4, foreign students from Latin America together with teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Linguistics of KIU visited the National Museum of the Republic Tatarstan.

On October 4, foreign students from Latin America together with teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Linguistics of KIU visited the National Museum of the Republic Tatarstan.

During the visit, the students were given a sightseeing tour from ancient times to the present day, during which they received a lot of useful knowledge about the culture, history and way of life of the peoples of Tatarstan, who lived on the territory of modern Kazan long before the formation of the Kazan Khanate. Thanks to the perfectly preserved expositions, foreign students clearly saw national clothes, objects everyday life and way of life.

The history of Russia aroused particular interest among foreign guests. Much attention was paid to the reign of Catherine II. A special impression was made by the carriage, the clothes of that time and much more.

The section of modern Tatarstan did not leave indifferent either. Students learned about the most ambitious events that took place in Tatarstan in the last 20 years.

The students liked the tour very much, they received vivid impressions from the visit the museum.

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